Petroleum Refining Resources

Petroleum Refining

Neles Neldisc™ metal-seated and Jamesbury Wafer-Sphere™ soft-seated butterfly valves

The new generation of Neles Neldisc™ metal-seated and Jamesbury Wafer-Sphere™ soft-seated butterfly valves is built to deliver sustainable performance today and tomorrow.

Emerson Introduces Magnetic Target Switch for Position Sensing in Standard-duty and Extreme-duty Operation Environments

Emerson released its TopWorx™ Magnetic Target Switch™ (MTS) to provide ready-to-install, universally-certified position sensing for explosion proof and intrinsically safe applications.

Neles/Jamesbury In-Stock Inventory

Valin compiled a list of valves, actuators and accessories from Neles and Jamesbury that are in stock and ready to ship. Orders will be taken on a first come, first served basis, so place your order as soon as possible to secure your shipment!

Vanguard™ Wireless Gas Detector for Toxic and Combustible Gases

As a fixed point gas detector, the Vanguard wireless gas detector was designed to meet changing needs in smart gas detection coverage. Install where traditional wired detectors cannot reach due to limitations in infrastructure, or fill in gaps in plants as a part of management of change procedures.

Submitted by Peter Jessee || Valin Corp.
Emergency Isolation Valves — Needs and Requirements

EIVs are a critical safety device for fuel-burning equipment and industrial processes that use flammable ingredients. Proper selection is critical for the safety of the workers in the plant, plant equipment and the surrounding communities.

Submitted by Jon Monsen || Valin Corporation
Using Control Valve Installed Gain Calculations

The availability of an easily constructed Excel worksheet that calculates and graphs control valve installed gain in conjunction with the user’s preferred control valve sizing application has prompted a new interest in the application of these calculations. Three examples are shown here.

IPV6-Ready Digital Leak Detection System from TTK

TTK Liquid Leak Detection Systems recently announced that TTK’s digital liquid leak detection monitoring panel FG-NET is now the first compliant digital leak detection system with the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) address.

Submitted by Nathan Ehresman || Valin Corporation
Watlow power controller

For any process where temperature needs to be monitored or controlled, a thermal loop is required. Typically, a process that contains a thermal loop includes some key elements: the process itself, the temperature sensor or transmitter, the temperature controller and the power controller. 

Inventory Management Video

Avoiding unnecessary downtime is critical and part of keeping operations running as efficiently as possible is having a good handle on the inventory required. From valves and gauges to sensors and filters, there is a multitude of different parts and pieces of equipment associated with an industrial environment.

Submitted by Peter Jessee and Dave Fahlgren || Valin Corporation
Fluid Handling: Pick The Proper Positioner

Positioner selection deserves due diligence — and consideration of several factors before making any firm decision. There’s certainly not a typical one-size-fits-all approach for positioners; an uninformed choice can lead to undesirable consequences.