Petroleum Refining Resources

Petroleum Refining

Submitted by Tim Tritch || Valin Corporation
Developing a Corporate Filtration Strategy

Proper filtration is essential to process flow operation. Improper or lack of filtration can wreak havoc on components, reducing their life and changing the final product. This can lead to equipment failure, process upsets, increased quality issues and in some cases, unplanned shutdown. Learn more.

RMF System's Varnish Removal System: Your Varnish Problems Solved

Varnish is a common problem for a wide range of hydraulic fluids and lubricants, especially in turbine and plastic injection molding applications. It results in valve sticking, shorter fluid life, shorter filter life and unscheduled downtime.

Submitted by Patrick Bartell || Valin Corporation
Electric Process Heater Systems for Catalytic Regeneration

Achieving effective catalyst regeneration requires a process that produces a very high level of heat in a very efficient manner. Over the years, there have been several different approaches to create this required heat. Traditional steam and heated transfer media have limitations. Learn more.

Submitted by Dr. Jon F. Monsen and Dr. Hans D. Baumann
Stop Cavitation from Destroying Your Control Valve Trims

The devastating effects cavitation can have on control valve internals is widely appreciated. In this article, the authors therefore explain the origins of cavitation, provide an easyto-use method to estimate cavitation sound levels and conclude with approaches to reduce or even avoid cavitation.

Submitted by Jay Van Horn || Valin Corporation
Installation Practices Key to Successful Heat Tracing

Laying out an effective heat tracing design requires careful attention to detail. Every aspect of the system must be meticulously considered, including both the temperature requirements of the fluids being protected as well as the physical characteristics of the equipment being heat traced.

Submitted by Greg Neneman || Valin Corporation
Instrumentation Fittings

In the world of instrumentation, there are a number of different topics discussed and analyzed.  However, one that should not be overlooked is that of instrumentation fittings. Do you know what technologies are available? Do you know the strengths and /weaknesses? Are there any new trends?

Refinery Solutions

In an effort to better serve our refining customers, Valin has created a new knowledge center group of highly technical people familiar with the needs of refineries.

Impedance Heating

Impedance heating systems act much like standard heating circuits, except the resistor is the pipe itself. This is accomplished when a small amount of AC voltage is applied across the terminals. The resulting impedance of the system generates heat on the pipe. The control panel for an impedance system provides power and control. However, the step down transformer is what provides the reduced voltage, 30VAC or less, to the pipe. This rating stays within OSHA and NEC limits.

Submitted by Nathan Ehresman || Valin
Industrial Heaters: Reducing Premature Failure

Premature heater failures can lead to unexpected process downtime. Tactics such as testing, planned replacement programs and preventing moisture ingress can help prevent premature heater failures.

WIKA InSight Glow™ High Visibility Dial for Pressure Gauges

The InSight Glow option uses a retro-reflective, photo-luminescent dial design that illuminates the entire front of the instrument dial for an extended amount of time when exposed to a light source for as little as 10 seconds. The dial appears bright white in darkness, fog, smoke, and fire. InSight Glow meets the National Fire Protection Association's (NFPA) standards for bright-white visibility in a power outage.