Oil and Gas

Submitted by Jon Monsen, Ph.D.
Control Valve Flow Characteristics

Selecting a valve with the correct flow characteristic (the relationship between valve opening and flow capacity) can be as important as the selection of the valve size.

Submitted by Metso Engineering Team

The noise abatement laws and health and safety legislation are becoming increasingly strict. Metso introduces Q2- Trim, the optimum solution for noise problems, that at the same time fulfills all legislative requirements and customer needs.

Submitted by WIKA Instrument Guru
How Gauges Can Help Prevent Costly Loss of Containment

Loss of containment is one of the costliest things that can go wrong at a plant. Accordingly, smart enterprises employ a variety of measures that ensure loss of containment just doesn’t happen – or when it does, the adverse circumstances are kept to a minimum.

Submitted by Jon Monsen, Ph.D., Valin Corporation

There are two strategies for reducing control valve noise:

1. Source control, that is doing something to the valve to make it less noisy, and

2. Path control, that is doing something to prevent the noise from reaching the people who would be bothered by it.

Submitted by Don Wolff

Valin® was asked to provide a compact, failsafe electric actuation solution for high torque metal seated ball valves in a severe process application.

Submitted by Process Heating Magazine
Training Ensures Proper Tracing System Operation

Proper training in product, maintenance and system startup was an essential part of a successful startup of the heat tracing system at the power plant.

Submitted by Jon Monsen

I was recently asked how the pressure at the vena contracta of a control valve in a liquid application can be determined. I am sharing my answer below.

Submitted by Corey Foster || Valin Corporation

Factory automation mobility is not just about iPads. Companies of all sizes need to think about the software needed to push context-sensitive information to operators and managers.

Submitted by Tim Tritch
Off-Loop Filters Save Time and Money

Eight Reasons Why Off-Loop Filters Work

Submitted by Tim Tritch
Run-Away Reservoir Populations Ruin Lube-Oil Reliability

While demographers busily count the world's population, manufacturers' world-wide fight a different battle against growing particle populations within lube-oil and hydraulic systems.