Valin's Blog

Determining problems and errors in the field just got easier with the new WIKA MH-3 pressure transmitter for mobile working machines. WIKA Instrument, LP captures the latest pressure sensor technology with the addition of the diagnostic function in the new MH-3 pressure transmitter.

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Industry recruiters are aware of an increasing knowledge gap in the workforce between retiring baby boomers and the new recruits hired to replace them.

Submitted by Russ Rochambeau, Engineering Manager, IFPS Hydraulic Specialist

In order to determine the Flow Rate represented as Q, we must define both the volume V and the point in time it is flowing past represented by t, or Q = V/t.  Additionally Flow rate and velocity are related by the equation Q = Av where A is the cross-sectional area of flow and v is its average velocity.

Submitted by StoneL
StoneL Prism PI

The Prism PI integrates an advanced position sensing system and integral pneumatic control for sanitary diaphragm and other linear applications. Compact and durable, the PI is suited for corrosive, heavy washdown and hazardous areas.

Submitted by Triston Hyatt
How Undersized Return Lines can Cause Problems for Hydraulic Prop Valves

Many wood mills use hydraulic positioners like the one in the picture above.  Sometimes they try to increase the speed of these cylinders by replacing the prop valves mounted on the cylinder with valves with higher flow rates.

Many U.S. industries are struggling as there are simply not enough experienced workers to go around. With the loss of expertise and knowledge that has accompanied the retirement of so many of the baby-boomer generation; today’s organizations are struggling to fill the gaps in their workforce.

A primary goal for all system design is to reduce downtime—and the most effective way to do it is by designing reliable systems. Mean time to recovery (MTTR) and mean time between failures (MTBF) are two useful metrics in evaluating the reliability of a system

How to Manage Your Equipment Maintenance Options

Whether you’re a large production plant or a mobile, field-service operation, you should think carefully about what kind of maintenance plan you need for your equipment. Without fully functioning equipment, production halts, customers get frustrated and angry—and you lose money.

A wide variety of product types are in the new RCP6 series, which also include wide slider types and wide radial cylinder types and no battery maintenance is required because there is no battery. Since home-return is not required at equipment startup or after an emergency stop, this feature reduces operation time and production costs.

Securing the go ahead for a system upgrade can be difficult in a competitive work environment, where every cost must be accounted for and validated. Getting your project noticed and approved when it’s lost among a sea of competing ojects—each one making a claim on finite resources—can seem an impossible task.