Power Generation

Submitted by Exergen
What is Emissivity?

Emissivity is a surface property which determines how much radiation an object emits at a given temperature compared to a blackbody at the same temperature

Submitted by Exergen
IRt/c Trouble Shooting Guide

If an IRt/c sensor is installed and does not function as expected the failure may be due to something other than the sensor.

Submitted by Valin Corporation
 Parker Instrumentation Solution Center

Valin Corporation is the largest Parker Instrumentation distributor in the Western United States

Submitted by Valin Application Engineer

As the amount of critical data surrounding industrial processes has increased, industrial device manufacturers have found that the traditional methods of exchanging and gathering data are not able to keep pace.

Submitted by Corey Foster, Senior Automation Application Engineer

"Precision" is a term that needs to be broken down into several components that include accuracy, repeatability, flatness, straightness, etc

Submitted by Jon Monsen, Ph.D.,

At times it is necessary for a process engineer to choose between a pneumatically or electrically actuated valve for a system. There are advantages to both styles, and it is valuable to have data available to make the best choice

Submitted by Jon Monsen, Ph.D., Valin Corporation

Techniques & considerations for properly sizing control valves