Oil and Gas

IPV6-Ready Digital Leak Detection System from TTK

TTK Liquid Leak Detection Systems recently announced that TTK’s digital liquid leak detection monitoring panel FG-NET is now the first compliant digital leak detection system with the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) address.

Submitted by Nathan Ehresman || Valin Corporation
Watlow power controller

For any process where temperature needs to be monitored or controlled, a thermal loop is required. Typically, a process that contains a thermal loop includes some key elements: the process itself, the temperature sensor or transmitter, the temperature controller and the power controller. 

Inventory Management Video

Avoiding unnecessary downtime is critical and part of keeping operations running as efficiently as possible is having a good handle on the inventory required. From valves and gauges to sensors and filters, there is a multitude of different parts and pieces of equipment associated with an industrial environment.

Submitted by Peter Jessee and Dave Fahlgren || Valin Corporation
Fluid Handling: Pick The Proper Positioner

Positioner selection deserves due diligence — and consideration of several factors before making any firm decision. There’s certainly not a typical one-size-fits-all approach for positioners; an uninformed choice can lead to undesirable consequences.

Submitted by Dr. Jon Monsen

This white paper discusses the rising stem valve and compares it to the rotary valve. The reader will learn what to consider to ensure the lowest overall life cycle cost and best possible degree of process control.

TTK Liquid Leak Detection Cables

Tired of Replacing Fuel Leak Detection Cables? The operation of replacement is often complicated and time-consuming. Reduce your costs with reusable fuel sensing cables!

Submitted by Greg Neneman || Valin Corporation
Marking Filtration as a Top Priority for Peaker Plants

For a power plant to run as efficiently as possible, proper filtration is a critical part of the equation.

Dust-Resistant Water Leak Sensing Cables from TTK

Don’t let maintenance overwhelm your water leak detection system! Use patented dust-resistant water leak sensing cables from TTK Liquid Leak Detection.

Submitted by Peter Jessee || Valin Corporation
Specifying Trip Valves is Critical for LNG Service

Appropriately specifying trip valves in the world of natural gas liquification is a critical element. Failing to do so effectively can risk the lives of operators and maintenance personnel working in close proximity to the equipment, and can sometimes cause irreparable damage to expensive turbomachinery.

WIKA Introduces Revolutionary Liquid-Filled Gauge with Flexible Window

In WIKA’s new FlexWindow™ liquid-filled gauge, an optically clear liquid silicone rubber (LSR) replaces glass or polycarbonate for greater safety and durability, unimpaired reading, and no need for pressure venting.