
Submitted by Dillon Caruso
How to Set Up and Get Motion from IAI's Elecylinder

In this video, we'll show you how to set up and get motion from IAI's Elecylinder.

Parker NITROSource

A new way of thinking about nitrogen. A new source of sustainability. Advanced on-site generator producing nitrogen gas from compressed air to produce all the nitrogen you need.

Submitted by Ray Marquiss || Valin Corporation
Pulse Control Basics for Motion Control

For automating machines that require only two to three axes of electric actuators, pulse outputs may be the simplest way to go.

Patlite LR6 Series Signal Tower Lights

Patlite LR6 Series Signal Tower Lights are the next generation signal tower series featuring ultra-bright LEDs, a modular design, and a wide-selection of options to take on the most challenging applications.

Submitted by Nathan Ehresman || Valin Corporation

An operator in a fluid handling process is only as effective as his ability to work with a given controller. If there are factors that keep this individual from doing what is necessary for a smooth operation, adjustments need to be made.

Submitted by Corey Foster
The Motion Control Show, Ep 10: EMC Installation - Why Do I Need a Mains Filter?

Continuing on talking about electrical noise, I often times have suggested mains filters to customers and they say, “Well I'm not shipping my system to Europe so I don't need it.”  But there are very good reasons for putting a mains filter on your system even when you're not shipping it to Europe.  Let's take a look at this.

Parker Velcon CDF-X™ Clean Dry Fuel eXtreme Filter

Parker Velcon CDF-X™elements are currently going through robustness testing at two major airports in the U.S. This is part of the testing program to determine if the elements will be safe for into-plane field evaluation. Learn more.

Submitted by Corey Foster
The Motion Control Show, Ep 9: EMC Installation - Preventing Electrical Ghosts

Today we're taking a break from all the mechanical topics we've been talking about and let's talk about an electrical one: electrical noise.

Submitted by Corey Foster || Valin Corporation
Automating a Manual Process

When manufacturing engineers are tasked with automating a process that is currently done manually, their main question for an automation supplier is "Have you ever automated this specific process before?" In complex applications, the answer is typically "no." Learn more.

Submitted by Corey Foster
Specsmanship - Load ratings using bearning life curves

What is specmanship?  Why do we care?  Well, in case you haven’t noticed, the catalog specs are not always straight forward as they appear.  Let's look at a couple examples.