Enhancing Machine Reliability by Predictive Maintenance with Mitsubishi Electric’s Maisart AI Technology

Submitted by Mitsubishi and Corey Foster, Valin
If you have any questions or are just looking for some help, we're happy to discuss your application with you. Reach out to us at (855) 737-4716 or fill out our online form.

In the rapidly evolving world of industrial automation, predictive maintenance is key to minimizing downtime and maximizing efficiency. Mitsubishi Electric’s cutting-edge AI technology, Maisart, integrated with their servo amplifiers, provides a robust solution for predictive maintenance, helping detect early signs of machine failure.

Ball Screws Diagnosis

Mitsubishi Electric introduces a ball screw machine diagnosis function that monitors friction and vibration to predict potential failures. By employing statistical algorithms, the system sets automatic failure warning limits. This proactive approach allows users to prepare necessary parts before a failure occurs, significantly reducing Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Dynamic friction states of the ball screws are sent to the host management PC via CC-Link IE TSN, ensuring seamless and efficient maintenance planning.
  • Function:
    • Monitors friction and vibration to predict failure.
  • Process: 
    • A failure warning limit is automatically generated based on statistical algorithms.
    • An alarm is activated upon signs of failure, enabling preparation before failure.
  • Benefit: 
    • Allows you to prepare necessary parts before failure.
    • Reduces Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
    • Notifications via CC-Link IE TSN.
Enhancing Machine Reliability via Predictive Maintenance with Mitsubishi Electric’s Maisart AI Technology
Enhancing Machine Reliability via Predictive Maintenance with Mitsubishi Electric’s Maisart AI Technology

Belts Diagnosis

The belt machine diagnosis function focuses on detecting tension reduction in belt-based systems, such as automated warehouse machines. It estimates the tension in real time and sends maintenance notifications when a reduction is detected. This function helps reduce periodic maintenance costs and prevents unexpected machine failures by allowing timely belt adjustments and replacements.
  • Function:
    • Detects tension reduction in belt-based systems.
  • Process:
    • Measure the tension at startup.
    • Estimates real-time tension.
    • An alarm is activated upon signs of failure, enabling preparation before failure.
  • Benefit:
    • Reduces periodic maintenance costs.
    • Prevents machine failures.
gear diagnosis

Gears Diagnosis

For gear-based systems, Mitsubishi Electric offers a gear machine diagnosis function. This system sets initial gear ratios and normal backlash values, periodically estimating backlash with a dedicated tool to detect signs of failure. Early warnings enable users to prepare necessary parts before a gear failure, ensuring continuous and reliable machine operation.
  • Function: 
    • Monitors gear ratios and backlash values.
  • Process:
    • Initially set a gear ratio and a normal backlash value.
    • Measures the current backlash.
    • Periodically estimates backlash using a dedicated tool to predict failure.
    • An alarm is activated upon signs of failure, enabling preparation before failure.
  • Benefit: 
    • Provides early warnings.
    • Allows for preparation of necessary parts before gear failure.
diagnosis example of backlash values
diagnosis example of backlash values 2


Mitsubishi Electric’s Maisart AI technology provides a comprehensive predictive maintenance solution that enhances machine reliability and reduces operational costs. By enabling timely maintenance and replacement of parts, this innovative technology ensures optimal performance and longevity of industrial machinery.

Stay tuned to our blog for more insights into advanced automation solutions and how they can benefit your operations.

For More Information:

If you have any questions or are just looking for some help, we're happy to discuss your application with you.  Reach out to us at (855) 737-4716 or fill out our online form.