Oil and Gas

The Danger of Hydrogen Leaks and How to Minimize the Risk

Leaks are a pernicious issue in natural gas pipelines. As hydrogen can escape even more easily than methane through the tiniest holes, cracks, and weld seams, the transport and eventual storage of this gas is one of the major barriers to wider adoption of this gas as a fuel and feedstock. Hydrogen permeation and embrittlement only exacerbate the problem.

Submitted by Peter Jessee and Dave Fahlgren || Valin Corporation
Positioner Selection: Knowing what You Need

Selecting the proper positioner is critical. The wrong decision can lead to unnecessary costs on one end of the spectrum and the need for a replacement on the other.

Submitted by Peter Jessee || Valin Corporation
Trip Valves

In the world of natural gas liquification, turbine trip valves play a major role. There may be no piece of equipment that is more important to the safety of the plant and its personnel than a turbine trip valve.

Submitted by SOR Measurement and Control
Industrial Furnace Temperature Measurement

Industrial furnaces come in many shapes and sizes and are used across a wide variety of applications. As one would expect, monitoring the temperature of an industrial furnace is critical and is accomplished by measuring the temperature of the tubes inside the furnace.

Making Decisions on Control Valve Technology

So, you know you need some form of control in your process, but where do you go from there?  There are so many different options available depending on the process conditions and the level of control you’re looking for. And with budget restrictions becoming ever more stringent, making the best decision the first time is crucial.

Uncover Actionable Insights that Drive Operational Improvement

Global competition requires manufacturers to strive for operational excellence to ensure they are competitive. This requires continuous improvements in terms of reliability, reduced unscheduled downtime, lower maintenance costs, extended equipment life, optimized energy consumption, improved sustainability, and greater throughput.

Improve Sustainability with IIoT

Reducing your carbon footprint and enhancing sustainability are imperatives in today’s world. Emerson's expertise in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and sustainability-enhancing products and software provide the right actionable insights for optimized energy management.

Submitted by WIKA
Hydrogen: A Promising Way to Decarbonize the Chemical Industry

Worldwide, chemical companies are recognizing the potential of hydrogen as a feedstock and fuel source – and the most viable way for the industry to become carbon-neutral. Obstacles to realizing this future are gas leakage and storage/transport, two issues that reliable measuring instruments can help overcome.

WIKA’s Process Diaphragm Gauge: Durability and Performance Delivered within 10 Days

With all the parts manufactured, assembled, and tested in the USA, WIKA is pleased to be able to offer quick delivery on our most popular industrial process diaphragm gauge: the AWS.

ExactSteam™ V-Cone®

Failure to capture meter readings at the low end of the production scale is a missed opportunity for steam system operators. Here’s why that is happening and what you can do to attack the problem.