Water Treatment

Submitted by Jon Monsen

In Jon Monsen's book, Control Valve Application Technology (published and distributed by Valin Corporation), Jon explains how to properly size and select a control valve. Jon recently received inquiries from customers interested in a further explanation of one of the graphs featured in his book. This article will cover that explanation.

Submitted by Jon Monsen || Valin Corporation

Valve sizing and proper application of control valves have always gone hand-in-hand. However, the tools available to valve users have changed and improved significantly over time.

Connect with the Walchem W900 Series controllers and enjoy unparalleled versatality in maintaining your water treatment options.

Connect with the Walchem W900 Series controllers and enjoy unparalleled versatality in maintaining your water treatment options.

Wzzard Wireless Mesh Sensor Network

The Wzzard™ is an easy to use, complete wireless sensor connectivity platform for the rapid deployment of scalable, intelligent, reliable IoT networking in demanding environments. 

Submitted by Jon Monsen

In this paper I will show how an analysis using Metso’s Nelprof® control valve sizing and selection software’s unique ability to graph the installed gain of a control valve can be helpful in selecting the optimum pump for a balance of good controllability and minimum energy use.

Submitted by Ray Herrera || Valin Corporation
Pipe and Valve Selection

When selecting the pipes and valves for a cooling system, it is important to understand the options available—and the possible outcomes associated with each selection. Many factors can impact the effectiveness, longevity and quality of the overall cooling system. Learn more.

Submitted by Kevin Goodsell || Valin Corporation
The ABCs of VFDs

Inside of plants today, AC motors are becoming the industry standard. Many plants are shifting to AC motors from hydraulic motors or DC motors when powering heavy loads, which were more popular in the past. This shift can be attributed to a variety of reasons and most have to do with cost.

StoneL Quartz

The StoneL Quartz Explosionproof Valve Monitoring series is durable, corrosion resistant, and versatile, making it ideal for most of your process valve monitoring requirements.

United Electric Controls One Series

United Electric Controls recently announced a significant upgrade to its One Series line of explosion-proof, programmable transmitters and switches. The new line compresses all of the functionality of the preceding line into only five models while adding new capabilities. Learn more.